Saturday, April 13, 2013

Good vibes, good food, good luck

The work day started yesterday with the trumpeter Kyla Moscovich, then I went straight to The New School to film Matt Berman senior recital. I came back home, slept four hours and took the slow weekender train all the way up to finally found Jesus at Central Park. Three different film locations in a row. I'm working more the TV daily news crew.

The tradition of TV news crew set up that after shot we must go to a restaurant and enjoy good food as locals. That's one of the best ways to know exciting places around the city.

It was my pleasure to end the evening in an incredible Japanese restaurant in Saint Mark's Place.

Better than the izacaya-crazy place, was the company of Fernando Nogueira, dear Brazilian friend who was my assistant this time. He was just looking for a some fun and I told him about this jazz concert I was filming. I've just forgotten to tell him he would have to take care of the audio ;)


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